Tag electricity price
electricity price
2024 Q3: Slight Increase In The Average Electricity Price On the Competitive Market
Electricity market: average electricity price in the non-regulated market in the third quarter of 2022 was over 566 PLN/MWh
How much are we going to pay for electricity as of January 2023?
The President of URE approved tariffs for the supply of electricity to household customers by four suppliers of last resort (PGE Obrót, Tauron Sprzedaż, Enea and Energa Obrót) and, this year exceptionally, one of the companies acting as a SoLR, which had so far been exempted from the obligation to submit tariffs for approval, i.e. Tauron Sprzedaż GZE.
In the first quarter of 2022, the average selling price of electricity on the non-regulated market was 468.35 PLN/MWh
Q1 2022: OTC electricity price at its highest since 2010
The average price of electricity sold by generators under bilateral (over-the-counter) contracts in the first quarter of 2022 was PLN 466.60/MWh, nearly 100 per cent higher than the average price one year earlier.
The role of the President of URE in the process of price and tariff setting in the electricity market
In the last quarter of each year, the regulator undertakes proceedings to approve electricity tariffs for the subsequent year, as calculated and submitted by distribution companies and last resort suppliers (members the PGE, Tauron, Enea and Energa Groups) providing services to the vast majority of electricity consumers in the country.