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Round Table of Energy Regulators was preceded by a debate of Ministers of Economy from the countries of the G8 group

On 23 and 24 May, meeting of the Round Table for Energy Regulators took place in Rome. The conference was preceded by the meeting of the Ministers of Economy of the most industrialized countries of the world and Russia (G8). The aim of the meeting of the Round Table for Regulators was to work out recommendations concerning key problems of the energy sector around the world, for the ministers of the G8 group countries responsible for energy, discussing on the following Summit.

In the debate of the Round Table took part representatives from regional energy regulatory associations from Europe, Africa, Asia and the United States as well as representatives of regulatory bodies among others from the G8 countries. The regulators finished works of the Round Table by preparing and accepting G8 Energy Regulators Statement, which then was handed over to the participating in the G8 Summit ministers.

The recommendation of the regulators puts the emphasis on ensuring electricity security through promotion of modern regional electricity markets, which are able to meet the challenges of climatic change and take advantage of new technology. In the document regulators also underlined the necessity to ensure the independence of regulatory bodies, solidarity with developing countries as well as the necessity to protect the poorest. Pressure on ensuring the independence of the regulators, clarity and smoothness of electricity markets, energy security, investment in new technologies (including for example smart grid), aiming at convergence of regulatory systems, fighting with electricity poverty - those are the most important subjects of the recommendation, which was handed over to the ministers of the G8 group. The possibility to present recommendations is the recognition of the regulators role in building the energy market - summarized the summit Mariusz Swora, the URE President, who took part in the meetings of the Round Table Regulators as a representative Energy Regional regulatory Association (ERRA). The URE President has been the member of the Association board since April this year.

Ministers of energy of the G8 countries, at the end of the meeting in Rome - taking into consideration many postulates, which were included in the recommendation prepared by the Regulators - announced among others, the necessity to undertake the fight with the phenomenon described as ‘electricity poverty’. Estimates suggest that around 1 billion 600 million people around the world are affected by the electricity poverty. The ministers underlined also the necessity to stimulate the cooperation between governments and energy enterprises aiming at increasing investment in this sector, the importance of applying innovation in power industry, as well as the necessity to generate electricity efficiency. Complete texts of the documents accepted at the G8 summit, including the Regulators Statement, can be found on the summits webpage.

In the Rome conference, under the banner of ‘Go through the crisis: towards new international leadership in the scope of energy’, for the invitation of the G8 ministers, participated as well the chairmen of energy departments from 15 most important country-producers of energy. The participants of the conference represented in total 80 percent of electricity supply and demand on the global market.


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