Energy Regulatory Office,More-competition-on-the-European-Union-energy-market-more-rights-for-the-custome.html
23.04.2024, 11:14


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More competition on the European Union energy market, more rights for the customers. We know the shape of the, so called, third energy package

European Members of Parliament from Industry Committee (ITRE) as well as the Czech Presidency reached an agreement this week concerning new proposals about EU regulations liberalizing energy and gas market.

The solutions will come in force after being accepted by the European Parliament ant the European Union Council. The European Union liberalization package goes surely in the right direction strengthening the position of the consumer and competition on the energy market - sums up presented this week solutions Mariusz Swora, the URE President.

The new solutions strengthen the position of the consumer on the electicity and gas markets, giving customers many rights. The proposal of the package includes many regulations, which impose on the membership countries the duty to provide help to the customers, who cannot afford to pay the bill. The solutions included in the package should lead to the liberalization of the energy markets. Membership countries will be able to choose among three options of unbundling transmission operators, both on the gas as well as the energy markets: full ownership unbundling, independent system operator or independent transmission operator. Already made agreements foresee, that depending on the economic conditions, until 2020 as many as 80% of final customers in different membership countries should be provided with access to smart metering systems for energy consumption.

The third energy package suggests also strengthening of independence of national energy market regulators. The second reading of the project during the session of European Parliament is scheduled between April and May this year.


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