Energy Regulatory Office,District-heating-first-report-on-measures-towards-an-energy-efficient-district-h.html
07.02.2025, 08:33

District heating: first report on measures towards an energy-efficient district heating system

By 29 February 2024, energy companies holding licences for district heat transmission or distribution in district heating networks[1]are required to submit the first report on measures aimed at achieving an energy-efficient district heating system undertaken in 2023 [2]to the President of URE and the Minister of Climate and the Environment.

Around 350 entities will be subject to the reporting obligation.

The form of the report is set out in a regulation of the Minister for Climate and Environment. URE has prepared an editable version of the report, which can be downloaded here.

In addition to the identification details of the entity and the district heating system, the report should specify, inter alia, the share of energy from RES (indicating the type of source), waste heat and heat from cogeneration as a percentage of the total volume of heat supplied to the district heating system.

Failure to submit the report on time carries a fine[3].


1) 50 per cent of energy from renewable energy sources; or

2) 50 per cent of waste heat; or

3) 75 per cent of heat from cogeneration; or

4) 50 per cent of the energy and heat referred to in points 1 to 3 in combination.

  • District heating companies are required to achieve such status by 31 December 2025.[4]
  • To be granted the status of an energy-efficient district heating or cooling system the operators are required to submit for their development plan for approval by the President of URE, by 1 October 2024[5], with regard to the section concerning the fulfilment of the system efficiency conditions by 31 December 2025.


[1] In accordance with Article 7b(5) the Energy Law Act (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1385, as amended).
[2] In accordance with Article 37 of the  Act of 17 August 2023 amending the Act on Renewable Energy Sources and certain other acts (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1762).
[3] The minimum fine is PLN 2,000 and the maximum is equivalent to 15 per cent of the revenue generated by the entrepreneur from the licensed activity in the previous fiscal year.
[4] In accordance with Article 36(1) and (2) of the Amending the Act on Renewable Energy Sources and certain other acts (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1436).
[5] As referred to in Article 16) the Energy Law Act (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1385, as amended).


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