Between January and July 2023, over 15 thousand customers decided to switch electricity suppliers
In the first seven months of the year, 9.3 thousand individual customers (group G) switched their electricity supplier. In the business customer groups (A,B,C), nearly 5,800 changes were made during this period.
As shown by URE’s data, individual customers decided to switch despite special solutions introduced this year for household customers.
Since 2007, i.e. during the time this option has been available to customers, over 983 thousand customers in our country have switched electricity supplier, of which over 751 thousand are household customers (in tariff group G) and over 236 thousand are customers in tariff groups A, B and C.
Figure 1. Number of electricity supplier changes by month from July 2022 to July 2023
Figure 2. Number of electricity supplier changes by tariff group from July 2007 to July 2023
The decision to switch the supplier is influenced by a number of key factors, including: the level of customer awareness and motivation to switch, as well as the sheer ease of making such a switch (no complicated procedures) and the availability of competitive offers on the market.
You have a choice. Make an informed choice
The right to switch the supplier is one of the basic consumer rights and an important element in strengthening market competition. However, with an increasing number of suppliers and offers, players that engage in unfair market practices are also emerging. Therefore, the Energy Regulatory Office reminds about the need to read the offer and the contract carefully and thoroughly before signing the documents received from a new supplier. In addition to the gas price itself, attention should be paid to i.a. the following contract terms:
- does the offer include additional services and related charges, in addition to the supply of gas,
- what is the contract term,
- what are the terms on settlement will take place at the end of the period covered by the offer,
- what are the terms of termination (whether there are early termination fees),
- what billing terms will apply upon the expiry of the period covered by the offer.
Before you enter into a contract with a new supplier ALWAYS:
- consider whether the offer is indeed advantageous for you,
- carefully examine all documents, including the contract, before signing,
- make sure that the details of the company represented by the salesperson appear on the documents, offers or contracts.
REMEMBER! Don’t let yourself be deceived – since July 2021, door-to-door sales to household customers is has been banned.
This means that energy companies are no longer allowed conclude off-premises contracts with household customers (e.g. when a representative visits the customer’s home). However, the prohibition of off-premises contracting for the sale of gas and electricity does not limit the possibility to conclude such a contract remotely (e.g. by telephone) or at a supplier’s outlet located, for example, in a shopping mall.
Your rights:
- when concluding a distance contract, the salesperson should inform you in writing of your right of withdrawal and provide you with a model of the relevant statement,
- you may withdraw from a contract concluded at a distance, e.g. by telephone, within 14 days of its conclusion, without giving reasons and without incurring any costs for doing so.
Take special care whenever:
- the details of the company the salesperson represents are not shown in the documents,
- you are unable to verify what company the salesperson represents,
- you are persuaded to sign a contract quickly, e.g. under the pretext of a promotion,
- the salesperson promises you a lower price for electricity/gas, but does not inform you about other additional charges and penalties and additional payable services (e.g. additional insurance),
- you are asked to show your last electricity/gas bill (the bill contains information about the types of services and the charges for these services) and are given several or more documents to sign.
Switching the supplier is most often driven by the desire to reduce energy bills. And what else can we do to minimise the expenses?
- “We save energy” - public awareness campaign of the Ministry of Climate and Environment
- Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PGE) has launched a mobile application named “Energetyczny Kompas”, which will help in planning the use of appliances in a way that is most beneficial to the electricity system and the environment. Conscious and responsible use of electricity will also lead to lower electricity bills.
The app indicates the peak hours for electricity consumption. They are defined for the following day (except Sundays and holidays) and published before 5pm. These are the hours when coal and gas-fired power stations will cover the largest portion of the demand. Conventional power plants have to run at peak capacity during these hours and the least efficient, and therefore most expensive, units are required to operate in order for the demand to be satisfied. This often is also the period when the reserve capacity necessary to balance the national power system and ensure its safe operation, is at its lowest level.
Download the app developed by PSE and do your bit to keep the system safe and stable.