Electricity market: The President of URE approves updated Network Codes for the five largest DSOs
The President of URE approved the updated Network Codes for: ENERGA-OPERATOR, PGE Dystrybucja, ENEA Operator, Stoen Operator, TAURON Dystrybucja.
One of the main changes in the individual Revision Sheets to the Network Codes consisted in the introduction, in accordance with the provisions of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, of the concept of a virtual prosumer of renewable energy. Virtual prosumers are those generators who produce RES electricity at a different location than they consume it.
The Distribution Network Code is a document that constitutes a set of detailed rules and conditions for the use of the Operator’s network. The NC defines the rights and obligations of the parties connected to the grid, i.e. electricity consumers and generators and the Distribution Network Operator, as well as trading companies and suppliers. The Code also sets out the rules of conduct in the event when the selected supplier fails to supply electricity or discontinues such supply or the performance of a comprehensive service.
- The obligation of the distribution system operator to prepare a network code results from Article 9g(1) of the Energy Law.
- Looking ahead to 2030, the national power system (NPS) is facing huge change. This includes the need for the connection of new sources including at least: over 20 GW of solar units with generation capacity of 21 TWh/year, over 14 GW of onshore wind units with generation capacity of 37 TWh/year and nearly 11 GW of offshore wind units with generation capacity of 40 TWh/year. In order to address the huge and unprecedented challenge ahead of the infrastructure segment, the President of URE put forward the initiative to work out a sectoral agreement, which took the form of the Charter for the Efficient Transformation of Poland’s Power Distribution Networks, signed in November 2022. In addition to the President of URE, the Charter was signed by the presidents of five major electricity distributors in Poland.