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Q1 2022: OTC electricity price at its highest since 2010

The average price of electricity sold by generators under bilateral (over-the-counter) contracts in the first quarter of 2022 was PLN 466.60/MWh, nearly 100 per cent higher than the average price one year earlier.

The leap by PLN 229.30 per MWh was also historically the largest increase of the average price when comparing the first quarters over the last 12 years.

This price level is strongly driven by contracts with delivery in the longer-term future (one or two years ahead). Consequently, the price may not reflect current market conditions. This is because it was calculated on the basis of data reported by generators, which includes sales of self-generated electricity in the first quarter of the year.

The volume of energy sold under contracts concluded in the first quarter of this year totalled almost 8.44 TWh, the second lowest in 12 years.

Information on the average selling prices of electricity is regularly published by the President of URE.


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