The number of companies exempt from the obligation to submit, for approval, tariffs for trading in gaseous fuels is growing
Until now, 15 gas trading companies have been exempt from the obligation to submit, for approval, tariffs for trading in gaseous fuels on the wholesale market and/or the commodity exchange.
The decisions of the President of URE were issued after considering applications submitted by licensees under the law.
The following companies were exempt from the obligation to submit, for approval, tariffs for wholesale trading in gas: RWE Polska SA, Energa - Obrót SA, ORLEN SA, DUON Marketing and Trading SA. HANDEN Sp. z o.o., Gunvor International BV, Ideon SA, PGNiG Sales & Trading GmbH, Vattenfall Energy Trading GmbH, EWE Polska Sp. z o.o., RWE Supply & Trading GmbH, TAURON Polska Energia SA, Inter Energia SA, EGESA Grupa Energetyczna SA and ENEA Trading Sp. z o.o.
The following companies were exempt from the obligation to submit, for approval, tariffs for trading in gaseous fuels on the commodity exchange: Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA (PGNiG), RWE Polska SA, ORLEN SA, HANDEN Sp. z o.o., EGESA Grupa Energetyczna SA, Gunvor International BV, PGNiG Sales & Trading GmbH, EWE Polska Sp. z o.o., EWE Energia Sp. z o.o., RWE Supply & Trading GmbH, TAURON Polska Energia SA, Duon Marketing and Trading SA, ENEA Trading Sp. z o.o.
According to the regulator’s assessment, an increase in the gas market competitiveness is a condition necessary for a full liberalization of this market. The required competitiveness can be achieved by e.g. exemption from the obligation to submit, for approval, tariffs for gaseous fuels regarding their sale to energy companies, who purchase these fuels as a part of trading in gaseous fuels.
According to the law, to which the President of URE refers in his information dated 19 February 2013 and 30 October 2012, the natural gas market organized by the commodity exchange and the market organized by an entity that conducts a regulated market on the territory of the Republic of Poland, as well as the segment of wholesale trade in natural gas, all fulfil the conditions of a competitive market. In the case of concluding transactions regarding the sale of gaseous fuels on the commodity exchange, it is not necessary to obtain a decision of the President of URE on exemption from the aforesaid obligation, as this market is competitive under the law. However, decisions confirming this fact are issued for entities that apply for it.
Applications submitted to the President of URE are considered on an ongoing basis by the Department of Markets Development and Consumer Issues (Departament Rozwoju Rynków i Spraw Konsumenckich), that on behalf of the regulator, carries out e.g. actions that ensure development of competition on the wholesale electricity and natural gas markets mainly by approving grid codes, compliance programmes, settling disputes over access to the network, market monitoring and suggesting legal changes under legislative work carried out by the Ministry of Economy.