President of the Energy Regulatory Office approved the transmission capacity allocation procedure on the connection with Germany at Lasów IP
The procedure, developed jointly by the Polish transmission system operator OGP Gaz-System S.A. and the German operator ONTRAS - VNG Gastransport GmbH, concerns the allocation of 173 940 kWh/h capacity for the period from 1 January to 1 October 2014.
According to the provisions of Annex I to Regulation 715/2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks, prior to applying the allocation and congestion management procedures, TSOs consult them with the network users and agree them with the regulatory authority. In connection with the above, acting on operator’s motion, having analyzed the document in detail, on 1 March 2013 President of URE published the decision deeming the Gaz-System’s Rules for the auction of the Bundled Product at IP Lasów to be agreed.
The procedure was developed under the pilot project aimed at offering the bundled product - capacity at IP Lasów. The project is a part of regional initiatives taken by regulators and transmission system operators to early implement the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms. The Code is currently at the final stage of processing and once adopted, it will be binding throughout the EU.
In June 2013 the operators will jointly present bundled capacity offered at IP Lasówfor particular quarters through the capacity trading platform PRISMA with registered office in Leipzig (Germany).
Detailed information on the project and the possibility of taking part in the allocation is available on OGP Gaz-System S.A. and ONTRAS-VNG Gastransport GmbH websites.