Electrical energy storage - first report issued by the President of URE
The President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) has prepared a report on power storage in Poland. The transmission and distribution network operators in...
President of URE approved electricity tariffs for five largest supply companies
President of URE approved changes to the tariffs for 2024 for the supply of electricity to household consumers presented by five companies (PGE Obrót,...
New tariff for PGNiG OD
On 27 June, the President of the Energy Regulatory Authority (URE) approved the tariff of PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny (PGNiG Retail) for the supply of gas to...
Second stage of the Balancing Market reform went live as of June 14
The main goal behind the changes introduced is to improve the efficiency of electricity pricing on the Balancing Market (BM), which is expected to encourage...