Energy Regulatory Office,Customers-are-more-willing-to-switch-their-electricity-supplier.html
20.04.2024, 11:21


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Customers are more willing to switch their electricity supplier

The results of the last monitoring of the President of URE indicate that the number of customers who switched their electricity supplier has increased, both in relation to industrial customers and households.

The data presented to the regulator show that by the end of February 2014 approx. 105 thousand customers from tariff groups A, B and C (industrial customers) and approx. 106 thousand households (tariff group G) used their right to switch the electricity supplier. This means that only in the first two months of 2014 almost 22 thousand households decided to switch their electricity supplier.

The below chart shows the number of electricity supplier switching in selected months, broken by tariff groups:

Reminder: in order to switch your electricity supplier please read the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement before signing it. If the agreement is concluded outside the company’s premises, e.g. through a sales representative at your house, then, after a careful reading, if you are not satisfied, it can be terminated within 10 days.


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