Energy Regulatory Office,Energy-Regulatory-Office-focuses-on-Corporate-Social-Responsibility-of-energy-un.html
25.04.2024, 08:38


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Energy Regulatory Office focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility of energy undertakings

President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE), Mariusz Swora has established task force to conduct research on Corporate Social Responsibility of energy undertakings in Poland.

Task force is established as a consequence of previous report on vulnerable consumers in Poland. President of the URE would like to support development of social responsible policy of energy sector. President of the URE would like to show an opportunity for the energy undertakings to act over and above compliance with minimum legal requirements and take into account  their economic, social and environmental impacts on wider society.

Task force will evaluate Polish and European public administration experience on corporate social responsibility, especially in the energy sector. Task force will prepare report on CSR in Poland and possibilities for the URE to be involved in promotion and education about CSR.


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