Energy Regulatory Office,The-ERO-Presidents-Activity-Report-2011-is-published.html
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The URE President’s Activity Report 2011 is published

Energy Regulatory Office (URE) presents National Report 2011 on regulatory issues addressed to the European Commission

„The National Report to the European Commission of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office in Poland 2011”  prepared by the URE experts and sent to the European Commission in July is now fully accessible on the URE website.

The Report presents the most important developments of Polish energy market from the regulator’s perspective.

Readers will find information on both wholesale and retail energy market in Poland in 2010. The Report describes regulator’s activities in the fields of promotion of competition, market transparency and consumer rights protection.

The present edition of the National Report has a special significance due to its legislative context. It presents the President of URE’s activities after the Energy Law amendment came into force in March 2010. The amendment provided the President of URE with new competences.

„National Report to the European Commission of The President of the Energy Regulatory Office in Poland 2011” constitutes an important source of information about Polish energy market 2010.


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